Name: |
Demi Beeks (721) |
Birthdate: |
24.09.1999 |
Track Club: |
Scopias, Venlo |
Personal Bests: |
Site |
Meet |
Date |
Event |
Mark |
Cat |
Rank |
Recent notable performances: |
Site |
Meet |
Date |
Event |
Mark |
Cat |
Rank |
Helden | Helden Forests XC Limbra tour 2008-2009 | 08.02.2009 | 1335 m | 7.56 | W98-99 | 29 |
Haelen | Avé Heytse XC Limbra tour 2008-2009 | 15.02.2009 | 1400 m | 8.23 | W98-99 | 30 |
South Venlo | Theo Mooren meeting | 05.04.2009 | 60 m | 11.6h | W98-99 | |
South Venlo | Theo Mooren meeting | 05.04.2009 | High jump | 0.80 | W98-99 | |
South Venlo | Theo Mooren meeting | 05.04.2009 | Shot put | 3.77 | W98-99 | |
South Venlo | Theo Mooren meeting | 05.04.2009 | Triathlon | 687 | W98-99 | 29 |
South Venlo | Theo Mooren meeting | 05.04.2009 | 1000 m | 4.10.2h | W98-99 | 12 |
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