Molenven Cross Country Third round of Dutch Limbra Tour 2005-2006 Stiphout, November 27, 2005
Pictures copyrighted © 2005-2025 by Michel Franssen
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Comment on picture 83: this cross stands at a crossroad in Stiphout, a nice and
quiet suburb of Helmond, at about 150 metres from the Molenven cross country start and
finish, and the synthetic track and clubhouse of Helmond Track Club as well. The English
translation of the text below the cross sounds like: "In this sign you will be
victorius." This does not refer to the cause Jesus died for, nor to a ceremony, an
athlete should go through, in order to be victorious. It refers to a legend, told by the
roman emperor Constantine 'the Great', to explain his -highly against the military odds-
victory over his rival Maxentius in 312 AD, since his troops were largely outnumbered.
Constantine claimed, that before the battle, he often saw a vision in heaven, stating:
"In hoc signo vinces," so God and Christ were on his side. Jews, muslims,
protestants, and even many byzantine and roman catholics, have a hard time believing this
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