Sittard Bridge Club Imps Teams 2000

Round 06, Baandert, Sittard, May 23, 2000

Match Beckers-Schaffrath, Boards 09-12

Copyright © 2000-2025 by Michel Franssen

Board 9

ª K
© A J T 8 6 5 4
¨ 2
§ A Q 8 2

ª T 6 5 4 3
© Q 9 3
¨ A 5
§ J 7 3

ª J 9 8
© 2
¨ K Q J T 9 8 6 4 3
§ - - -
ª A Q 7 2
© K 7
¨ 7
§ K T 9 6 5 4

Recommended bidding sequence:

West North East South
--- 1© 5¨1 pass2
pass 5©3 pass 6§4
pass pass pass.

1: Don't ever expect NS to allow you to play 3NT, so put the maximum heat on them.
2: This hand makes you want to play negative doubles up to a much higher level than 4©.
3: It would be too chicken to give up on this hand. Would you pass out on 5¨-pass-pass?
4: There is no way, South can take this cooperative call without some support in ©. He just hopes to find a better fit.

Lucky (?) bastard. In 6©, North will certainly hook ©Q, if he gets the opportunity. In the likely event, West overtakes ¨K for a §-shift, North has a marked finesse for down one.

Board 10

ª J 7 4
© A J 9 7 4 3
¨ J 6
§ 8 5

ª A K 6 5 3
© Q T 8
¨ Q 4 2
§ A Q

ª Q T 9 2
© K 5
¨ K 5
§ J T 7 6 3
ª 8
© 6 2
¨ A T 9 8 7 3
§ K 9 4 2

Recommended bidding sequence:

West North East South
--- --- pass pass
1ª1 2©2 3ª3 pass
4ª4 pass pass pass.

1: West upgrades to a balanced 18, and prepares to jump in NT, if necessary.
2: Only because of the 6-card suit.
3: Upgrades to a limit raise. If EW play Bergen raises, his call is 3¨.
4: West must now downgrade for his 3-card suits headed by the Queen, for East is unlikely to hold a good 11-count.

Analysis to follow.

Board 11

ª T 8 7 6
© 4
¨ K T 8 6
§ K Q J 4

ª 9
© A J 9 2
¨ J 2
§ T 9 7 6 3 2

ª J 4
© Q 8 5 3
¨ A Q 9 5 4
§ 8 5
ª A K Q 5 3 2
© K T 7 6
¨ 7 3
§ A

Recommended bidding sequence:

West North East South
--- --- --- 1ª
pass 2NT1 pass 3§2
pass 3©3 pass 3ª4
pass 4§5 pass 4©6
pass 4ª7 pass pass

1: Garozzo Splinter: 4+ support in ª, singleton or void in an undisclosed suit, and, either 7-11 or 15+ hcp.
2: Relay for short suit.
3: Singleton or void in ©, 7-11 hcp.
4: Waiting bid. To soon to sign off, since a laydown 6ª only requires ¨A and §K.
5: Control in § (Ace, void, singleton or King).
6: ©-control, denies ¨-control.
7: Now it's North's turn to wait, for if South has ©K but no ¨Q, and East holds ¨A, even 5ª may go down.

More analysis to follow.

Board 12

ª 7 5
© J 3 2
¨ A K Q 9 5 3
§ J 4

ª J 9 3
© K T 8 7
¨ 6 4 2
§ A K 7

ª K Q T 4
© A Q 6 5
¨ T 8
§ T 9 5
ª A 8 6 2
© 9 4
¨ J 7
§ Q 8 6 3 2

Recommended bidding sequence:

West North East South
pass 1¨ dbl1 1ª
dbl2 2¨3 2©4 pass
3©5 pass pass pass.

1: Only because of his excellent support for both majors.
2: At the 1-level, this double should be played as responsive, not for penalties.
3: Too nice a suit to pass with.
4: Shows a ©-fit, but no extra values. 3© would be invitational, a cuebid of 2ª or 3¨ would be forcing.
5: Ultimate invite. Don't get scared by your 4333-pattern. On the average, East will have a doubleton of ¨. As we can see,
    4© is virtually frigid, when East holds a singleton of ¨, so West should take a shot.

More analysis to follow.

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