Sittard BC Internal Championships Imp Teams 2002

Session 02, Baandert, Sittard, May 14, 2002

Red section

Boards 13-16

Copyright © 2002-2025 by Michel Franssen

Board 13

ª  T 8 4 2
©  3 2
¨  A Q T
§  J 9 3 2

ª  A Q 5
©  A K
¨  9 6 3
§  A K Q 5 4

ª  J 9 7
©  Q J T 7 6 5 4
¨  J 8 5
§  - - -
ª  K 6 3
©  9 8
¨  K 7 4 2
§  T 8 7 6

Recommended bidding sequence:

West North East South
--- pass 2¨ pass
2NT pass 3© pass
4§ pass 4© pass
pass pass.

2¨ = Multi-colored, based on weak-2 in hearts. The suit is not good enough for a vulnerable 3§-opener.
.2NT = Forcing relay. West could respond 3§ to show game 5+ §-suit and game going values, but that action would tend to deny fit for majors as well. This West has a fit for both majors.
3© = Minimum weak-2 in hearts.
4§ = Slamtry in hearts, 1st or 2nd round control in clubs. Does not deny control in spades, but 3ª would show a real 5+ suit.
4© = Denying 1st or 2nd round control in diamonds.

EW must cash their 3 ¨-tricks quickly.

Board 14

ª  Q J T 6 4
©  A 6 5 2
¨  T 9
§  K 5

ª  A K 8
©  Q J 9 7
¨  Q 8 6 5
§  A 2

ª  9 5 2
©  K 8
¨  J
§  J T 9 8 7 4 3
ª  7 3
©  T 4 3
¨  A K 7 4 3 2
§  Q 6

Recommended bidding sequence:

West North East South
--- --- pass pass
1NT pass 2ª pass
3§ pass pass pass.

2ª = 6+ §-suit, 0+ hcp.
3§ = Bad §-fit, 15-16 hcp.

North leads ªQ for the king. West cashes §A, leads a heart to the king, and one back to queen and ace. North returns another spade for the king. West dumps a diamond on ©J, and a spade on ©9. South make their high trumps seperately. If Norths shifts to a ¨ in trick 3, and South exits in spades next, West dumps his ª-loser on ©J, and leads a club next, which also leads to +130.

Board 15

ª  J T 7 5
©  6 4
¨  K 7 6 4
§  J 4 2

ª  K Q
©  K Q T 8 2
¨  A J 9 2
§  8 5

ª  A 9 3
©  A 7 3
¨  Q 5 3
§  Q T 7 3
ª  8 6 4 2
©  J 9 5
¨  T 8
§  A K 9 6

Recommended bidding sequence:

West North East South
--- --- --- pass
1© pass 2§ pass
2¨ pass 4© pass
pass pass.

2§ = 4+ suit, 12+ hcp, forcing game.
2¨ = 4+ suit, 11-15 hcp.

There are only 2 ways to keep West from making 11 tricks: low §-lead from North, after which South must be as clairvoyant to insert the nine when dummy follows low, or, §J from North, covered with queen and king. One example: §J for queen and king, §A, ¨T for the ace, ©K, ©Q, ªK, ªQ, © to ace, ªA, §T, and West cannot get rid of his last diamond. Any other line of defense allows West to discard one club and score 3 ¨-tricks, or to pitch 3 diamonds, when NS cash theit top clubs.

Board 16

ª  A Q 7 6
©  K Q J 8 7
¨  4 2
§  8 6

ª  J 8 4
©  9 4
¨  A J 9 6 5 3
§  J 3

ª  K T 2
©  T 5 3
¨  K Q T 7
§  K Q 2
ª  9 5 3
©  A 6 2
¨  8
§  A T 9 7 5 4

Recommended bidding sequence:

West North East South
pass 2© pass 3©
pass 4© pass pass

2© = Precisely 5 hearts, 4 spades, 11-15 hcp (Flannery).
3© = Invite.
4© = The well placed face cards and the doubletons take North over the treshold.

The §-finesse fails, and declarer is one entry short of taking advantage from the clubs in dummy, for example: ¨K, ¨Q ruffed in dummy, §A (East should unblock with his queen), § for the jack), ª for queen and king (if North ducks, East wins the ten, and simply returns a trump), and East parts in one of the majors.

Go to Boards 17-20