NBB Teams of Twelve Cup 2002

Qualification Round One

Match Sittard 2-BC'70 Eindhoven

Sittard, De Baandert Community Center

January 29

Boards 05-08

Board 5

ª  A T 4
©  9 2
¨  A T 9 3
§  K 9 4 3

ª  9 5
©  A J 8
¨  Q 7 5 4
§  J T 5 2

ª  J 7
©  K Q 7 6
¨  K 8 6 2
§  Q 7 6
ª  K Q 8 6 3 2
©  T 5 4 3
¨  J
§  A 8

Aggressive, but not unreasonable bidding sequence:

West North East South
--- pass pass 2¨
pass 2© pass 2ª
pass 3ª pass 4ª
pass pass pass.

2¨ = Multi-colored.
2© = Signoff in case South has weak-2 in hearts, possibly invitational, when he has weak-2 in spades.
2ª = Weak-2 in spades: 6+ ª-suit, 5-10 hcp.
3ª = Invitational, not preemptive, for EW would certainly have taken action if both North and South were weak.
4© = South has the very maximum.

Some Souths would open 1ª in 3rd chair, because of the 4-card ©-suit. North's pass makes game in hearts very unlikely, though.

Board 6

ª  7
©  J 9 3
¨  A T 8 4
§  J 9 7 3 2

ª  A 5 4 3 2
©  6 5 4
¨  J 5 3
§  A K

ª  J T 8
©  K T 8 2
¨  K Q 9 6
§  6 4
ª  K Q 9 6
©  A Q 7
¨  7 2
§  Q T 8 5

Recommended bidding sequence:

West North East South
--- --- pass 1§
1ª 3§ pass pass

3§ = 5+ suit, preemptive. With 10 or more hcp, North could cuebid 2ª, or bid the appropriate number of Notrump.
Pass = West could not double to show a 5+ suit and 16+ hcp, so game is unlikely. With only 3-card ª-support, East should not punish West for overcalling lightly.

Board 7

ª  A J
©  T 8 5 3
¨  K 5 4 3
§  A 7 4

ª  9 7 6 3
©  J 9 4
¨  A T 7
§  J 6 2

ª  K Q 8
©  K Q 7
¨  Q 6 2
§  K Q T 3
ª  T 5 4 2
©  A 6 2
¨  J 9 8
§  9 8 5

Recommended bidding sequence:

West North East South
--- --- --- pass
pass 1¨ 1NT pass
pass pass.

1NT = Balanced hand, ¨-stopper, 15-17 hcp..

Board 8

ª  K Q 7 4 3
©  8
¨  K Q J 6 4
§  5 3

ª  A 2
©  A K 2
¨  A 9 7 5
§  K 9 6 2

ª  T 9
©  Q J T 5 4
¨  3
§  A Q T 8 7
ª  J 8 6 5
©  9 7 6 3
¨  T 8 2
§  J 4

Possible bidding sequence:

West North East South
1§ 1ª 2© pass
3ª pass 4§ pass
4¨ pass 4© pass
4ª pass 4NT pass
5© pass 5ª pass
5NT pass 7§ pass
pass pass.

1ª = Ghestem players would overcall 2§, to show 5+/5+ in the outer unbid suits. They use 3§ to show the upper unbid suits. We have traded Ghestem for Michaels cuebid, since the natural jump overcall of 3§, 6+ suit and less than 11 hcp, comes up far more often. A Michaels 2§ would promise both majors, so we can only overcall 1ª and hope to get a chance to mention diamonds next.
2© = 5+ ©-suit, 8-11 hcp.
3ª = Slamtry in hearts. In many cases, the jump cue just promises limit raise or better in partner's suit, but bypassing 3© can never be meant as invitational.
4§ = Offering a double fit.
4¨ = 1st or 2nd round control of diamonds.
4© = Waiting bid. Denies ª-control, which West does not have to have, as well.
4ª = 1st or 2nd round control of spades. West wants East to ask for aces, after which East can get an almost complete picture of both hands.
4NT = Six Aces Blackwood, since there is a double fit.
5© = 2 or 5 out of 5 aces (there is, by the way, no step to show 6 aces).
5ª = Wants to make sure.
5NT = Promises 5 aces, and denies kings in spades and diamonds. If West holds only two aces, he should bid 6§ and wait.
7§ = East wants to play the grand slam in the best fit. He is confident, that West will correct to 7© with 4 hearts and only 3 clubs.

Go to Boards 09-12

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