NBB Teams of Twelve Cup 2002

Qualification Round One

Match Goirle-Sittard 1

Eindhoven, De Ambassadeur

February 03

Boards 21-24

Board 21

ª  - - -
©  6 4 2
¨  J 7 6 4 3 2
§  A 7 5 2

ª  A K Q T 8 6 5 2
©  Q
¨  Q 5
§  Q 3

ª  J 7 4 3
©  A K J 9
¨  8
§  K J 9 4
ª  9
©  T 8 7 5 3
¨  A K T 9
§  T 8 6

Recommended bidding sequence:

West North East South
--- pass 1§ pass
1ª pass 2ª pass
4© pass 4ª pass
pass pass.

1ª = 100% forcing. We play 2ª and 4ª as preemptive jump shifts, and 3ª as slamtry in clubs, showing ª-control (Splinter).
4© = 1st or 2nd round control of hearts, not necessarily Splinter, for there may be no other way to show ª-support, and keep the auction alive at the same time. Denies controls of minors.
4ª = Signoff. NS can cash at least 2 tricks in the minors from the kickoff.

Board 22

ª  Q 8 7
©  A 9 8 6 3
¨  A K T
§  4 3

ª  J 6
©  K J 4
¨  5 4
§  A Q J T 9 8

ª  5 4 3 2
©  T 7
¨  Q J 9
§  K 6 5 2
ª  A K T 9
©  Q 5 2
¨  8 7 6 3 2
§  7

Recommended bidding sequence:

West North East South
--- --- pass pass
1§ 1© dbl rdb
2§ 2© 3§ dbl
pass 4© pass pass

Dbl = Negative, showing 4+ spades and 6+ hcp, or just 12+ hcp.
Rdb = Precisely 3-card ©-support, 6+ hcp.
Dbl = Competitive, inviting to 4©. We do not believe in support doubles or redoubles, that all of the sudden grow up into penalty doubles.

East leads a club to the ace. West shifts to a diamond for the king. North ruffs his remaining club in dummy, crosses in spades, and leads a heart to queen and king. West persists on diamonds for the ace. North plays ©A and a © to the jack. West is unable to lead another diamond. North ruffs the §-return, and dumps his losing ¨T on dummy's fourth spade.

If East starts ¨Q, North must wake up and return a club immediately, or he will run a trick short in the end.

Board 23

ª  9 8 6
©  J 3
¨  K T 9 4
§  8 7 6 2

ª  J T 4 3
©  Q 7 5
¨  A 7 6 5
§  Q J

ª  7 2
©  A T 8 6
¨  Q 8 3 2
§  T 9 3
ª  A K Q 5
©  K 9 4 2
¨  J
§  A K 5 4

Recommended bidding sequence:

West North East South
--- --- --- 2¨
pass 2© pass 2NT
pass 3§ pass 3NT
pass pass pass. .

2¨ = Multi-colored.
2© = Signoff to weak-2 in hearts, perhaps invitational to weak-2 in spades.
2NT = Some 4441, 20-22 hcp. We ignore the stiff ¨J, but that still leaves us with a hand too strong to open 1§ with. Four baby spades or five baby hearts may be all we need to make game.
3§ = Asking for suit below singleton. We will be happy to put South in 3NT, unless he is short in one of the majors. Would you stay in 2NT in a team game?
3NT = Singleton of diamonds.

West leads ¨A to make sure that he does not concede a trick to a stiff honor, and continues diamonds. If South ducks, East returns a low heart, which South must allow to run to the jack. West wins, and exits with ªJ. South still owes East ©A and §T.

In trick two, South must rise with ¨K, and go after clubs immediately. East wins the third club and puts South under pressure with a low heart. If spades break 3-3 and West has ©Q, South must rise with ©K, but if spades break 3-3 and East has ©Q, South must duck to make his valuable game. Right here, South goes off one, no matter what he does.

3NT is not unreasonable. The ten of clubs in North or South would already have made the difference, and the chance of bringing in 4 ª-tracks rates to be about 45%.

Frank Bakkeren and Rufi Nurmohamed go all the way to 4ª, which also fails on the unfavorable conditions of the black suits. That goes for 5§ as well.

Board 24

ª  A
©  7
¨  9 7 3 2
§  Q T 9 8 7 5 3

ª  K J T 4
©  J 3
¨  A Q T 8 6
§  6 4

ª  6 5 2
©  A K T 8 6 4 2
¨  5
§  A 2
ª  Q 9 8 7 3
©  Q 9 5
¨  K J 4
§  K J

Recommended bidding sequence:

West North East South
1¨ 3§ 3© pass
3ª pass 4© pass
pass pass.

1¨ = A little light, but the well placed honors and both tens compensate for the one hcp West would otherwise be short.
3§ = 7+ §-suit, less than 11 hcp, ordinary preemptive jump overcall.
3© = 5+ suit, forcing game. Game in hearts will not run away, but slam can still be investigated at a convenient level.
3ª = Natural with unlimited strength. If West has a ©-fit and slam interest, he will cuebid 4§.
4© = 6+ suit, signoff.

South leads a low spade, and North returns a club for the ace. East bangs down ©A-K, plays ¨A, ruffs a ¨, finesses the ªQ South is marked with, ruffs another ¨ dropping the king, crosses in ª, gets rid of his §-loser, and claims +450.

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