Sittard BC
Internal Championships Imps Teams 2001
Final, Baandert, Sittard, May 29,
Match Lions versus Carpenters
Boards 09-12
Copyright © 2001-2025 by Michel Franssen
Board 9
ª 5
© A K 5
¨ K 4
§ A K J T 9 7 2 |
ª J
© Q 9 8 7 6
¨ J 7 6 5 3
§ 5 3 |
ª A K Q 9 8 7 3
© 3 2
¨ A T
§ Q 4 |
ª T 6 4 2
© J T 4
¨ Q 9 8 2
§ 8 6 |
Recommended bidding sequence in our version of Two over
One = Game Force and our version of Precision:
West |
North |
East |
South |
--- |
2¨ |
3ª |
pass |
pass |
4§ |
4ª |
pass |
pass |
5§ |
pass |
pass |
pass. |
2¨ = Multi-colored,
i.e., weak-2 in a major, or one of many sorts of strong hands.
3ª = 6+ suit, and about 15-17 hcp. An overcall
of 4ª is preemptive, expecting North to have a
strong type of hand for his Multi-colored 2¨. If North turns out to have a weak-2 in hearts, and West has
features, EW may miss slam.
4§ = 6+ §-suit,
unbalanced hand, semiforcing strength.
4ª = West does not even show interest in game,
so slam is off the hook.
5§ = East has four defensive trick at the most,
while South needs to bring very little to make game in clubs worthwhile.
East leads ªA, and ªK. North ruffs and returns ¨K.
East ducks, wins the next diamond, and continues ªQ.
North ruffs with §9, and cashes §A. The queen does not drop, so eventually, North
must bring a ©-trick to West.
More analysis to follow.
Board 10
ª Q 6 3
© Q 5
¨ A Q 9 5 4
§ Q T 3 |
ª 5
© A J 8
¨ T 8 6 3 2
§ A J 8 5 |
ª J 9 8 7 4 2
© K 7 6 2
¨ K
§ K 9 |
ª A K T
© T 9 4 3
¨ J 7
§ 7 6 4 2 |
Recommended bidding sequence in our version of Two over One =
Game Force and our version of Precision:
West |
North |
East |
South |
--- |
--- |
pass |
pass |
pass |
1¨ |
pass |
1© |
pass |
1NT |
pass |
pass |
pass. |
More analysis to follow.
Board 11
ª A J T 9 8 4
© A 6
¨ J 6
§ T 7 5 |
ª Q 3
© Q 9 8 2
¨ Q T 8 7 2
§ Q 4 |
ª 7 6 5 2
© K J T
¨ A K
§ K 6 3 2 |
ª K
© 7 5 4 3
¨ 9 5 4 3
§ A J 9 8 |
Recommended bidding sequence in our version of Two over One =
Game Force and our version of Precision:
West |
North |
East |
South |
--- |
--- |
--- |
pass |
pass |
2¨ |
dbl |
2© |
3¨ |
pass |
pass |
pass. |
2¨ = Multi-colored,
i.e., weak-2 in a major, or one of many sorts of strong hands.
Dbl = Balanced hand with 12-15 hcp, or many
16+ hands. For the weaker type of takeout double against the multi-2¨, a 4-card major is not required.
2© = Signoff to
weak-2 in hearts, perhaps invitational to weak-2 in spades.
3¨ = 5+ suit, 6-10 hcp.
Pass = EW have 24 hcp at the most, and West would have responded 2NT with 10 (or 11) hcp and
a ª-stopper.
Further reading: Westra - Bidding with
Berry, Volume 3, pages 224-234.
More analysis to follow.
Board 12
ª Q J T 4
© Q J 8
¨ 6 5
§ J 6 3 2 |
ª 9 6 5 2
© K 4 3
¨ A T 8
§ K Q 8 |
ª A K
© A 9 7 6
¨ Q J 9 7
§ A 7 4 |
ª 8 7 3
© T 5 2
¨ K 4 3 2
§ T 9 5 |
Recommended bidding sequence in our version of Two over One =
Game Force:
West |
North |
East |
South |
pass |
pass |
1¨ |
pass |
1ª |
pass |
2NT |
pass |
3NT |
pass |
pass |
pass. |
Pass = Downgrading for 4333-pattern.
2NT = Balanced hand, no ª-fit, 18-19 hcp.
3NT = 6NT requires 33 hcp, when both hands are (virtually) flat, so West's hand is not
even worth a quantitative raise to 4NT.
Recommended bidding sequence in our version of Precision:
West |
North |
East |
South |
pass |
pass |
1§ |
pass |
1¨ |
pass |
1NT |
pass |
2§ |
pass |
2© |
pass |
2ª |
pass |
2NT |
pass |
3NT |
pass |
pass |
pass. |
1§ = Many sorts of hands, and 16+ hcp.
1¨ = A positive response
of 1©, 1ª,
2§ or 2¨
requires a 5+ suit, and 8+ hcp. In older versions of precision, West would respond 2NT
with this hand, but we would rather allow opener to descibe his hand at the lowest level
as is possible.
1NT = Balanced hand, 18-19 hcp, for we open 1NT with balanced
hand and 15-17 hcp.
2§ = Stayman reley,
for which a 4-card major is not required.
2© = 4- or 5-card ©-suit, possibly 4/4 in the majors.
2ª = 4-card ª-suit,
invitational or better (5+ hcp).
2NT = No 4-card ª-suit, and 18 hcp.
More analysis to follow.
Go to
Boards 13-16