Sittard BC
Internal Championships Imps Teams 2001
Quarterfinals, Baandert, Sittard,
May 15, 2001
Match Lions versus Optimists
Boards 05-08
Copyright © 2001-2025 by Michel Franssen
Special thanks to Scott
Board 5
ª J
© A J 9 6 5
¨ Q J 9 8
§ J T 7 |
ª A T 8 7 3
© Q 2
¨ 5 4 2
§ 9 5 2 |
ª K Q 9 6 5 4
© 3
¨ A T 6 3
§ 6 3 |
ª 2
© K T 8 7 4
¨ K 7
§ A K Q 8 4 |
Recommended bidding sequence:
West |
North |
East |
South |
--- |
pass |
2¨ |
2© |
4ª |
5© |
5ª |
dbl |
pass |
pass |
pass. |
2¨ = Multi-colored: weak-2 in a major, or one of several
types of strong hands.
2© = 5-card ©-suit, 12-15 hcp. South finds himself at the very top for this single
4ª = Assuming East to hold a weak-2 in spades, but certainly welcoming a very much
stronger type of hand.
5ª = Expecting South to make his vulnerable game. In general, the weak-2 bidder is
supposed to leave further action to his partner. This time, he has 4 sound reasons to take
same iniative himself:
- West promises at least 4 spades, so EW have a hughe fit.
- East has excellent spades and an ace in his 4-card minor.
- The singleton of hearts does not promise too much defense against 5 hearts, while West
has already shown little interest in defending 4©.
- If East passes now, West will never know how nice his hand is to offend with. If East
passes after hesitation, he bars West from bidding on ethical grounds, unless West has a
strong hand himself (16+ hcp or the distributional equivalent).
On our table, where we played NS, the following auction developed:
West |
North |
East |
South |
--- |
pass |
2¨ |
2© |
.pass |
4© |
4ª |
5© |
5ª |
pass |
pass |
dbl |
pass |
pass |
pass. |
West's short and smooth hesitation put East on the 'right', though unethical track.
North immediately retained our right to call director later, as the Laws order us to do in
Europe. When the hand was played, he decided to confine with +500, as he felt litle or no
damage done to his side. The director, however, would certainly have cancelled East's 4ª,
and subsequently, since too much unauthorized information reached EW, have awarded on
adjusted score based on 4©+1 or 5©=. This would have earned us 3 more imps, for at the
other table, our East player went for only 300 after:
West |
North |
East |
South |
--- |
pass |
2ª |
3© |
4ª |
5© |
5ª |
dbl |
pass |
pass |
pass, |
2ª, of course, being an ordinary weak-2. Against such weak-2, we would have two better
options to describe East's hand:
- 3ª = Michaels cuebid, showing hearts
and a minor.
- 4§ = World convention, showing clubs
and hearts.
More analysis to follow.
Board 6
ª J 5 2
© Q 9 7 5
¨ 8 5 4
§ K 6 4 |
ª A T
© T 8 6 4
¨ K Q 9 3
§ T 7 5 |
ª Q 9 7 4
© A 3
¨ A T 7 6
§ 9 8 3 |
ª K 8 6 3
© K J 2
¨ J 2
§ A Q J 2 |
Recommended bidding sequence:
West |
North |
East |
South |
--- |
--- |
pass |
1NT |
pass |
pass |
pass. |
More analysis to follow.
Board 7
ª Q 8 7
© 8 6 3
¨ A J 4 2
§ A K 5 |
ª A 9 4
© J 5
¨ Q 8 6 3
§ Q T 8 4 |
ª J 6 2
© A T 9 7
¨ K T 7
§ 7 3 2 |
ª K T 5 3
© K Q 4 2
¨ 9 5
§ J 9 6 |
Recommended bidding sequence:
West |
North |
East |
South |
--- |
--- |
--- |
pass |
pass |
1¨ |
pass |
1© |
pass |
1NT |
pass |
pass |
pass. |
More analysis to follow.
Board 8
ª - - -
© K Q 9 3
¨ A Q T 9 7 2
§ 6 4 3 |
ª A K 5 4
© T 6 5 2
¨ 8 6 5 4
§ 8 |
ª Q J 9 7 6 3
© A 8
¨ 3
§ A Q J 2 |
ª T 8 2
© J 7 4
¨ K J
§ K T 9 7 5 |
Recommended bidding sequence:
West |
North |
East |
South |
pass |
1¨ |
1ª |
2§ |
4ª |
4NT |
5ª |
pass |
pass |
pass. |
2§ = 5+ suit, 8-11 hcp, the so-called negative free bid.
4NT = Precisely 3-card §-support, along with extra ¨-length (6+ suit). With 4+
§-support, North could bid 5§ right away, and with 3 clubs and only 5 diamonds, it would
wiser for North to pass, unless he hcp strength to spare (16+ hcp).
More analysis to follow.
Go to
Boards 09-12